About Us
The United Nations Association of Sri Lanka (UNASL) is one of the oldest Non-Government organization in the country and was established on the19th of August 1950. Five years prior to Sri Lanka obtaining membership of the United Nations. It is registered as an incorporated body in accordance with the company act No17 of 1982 and under the amendment to this act in 2007.The Association is also registered with the Department of the Social Services, The National Secretariat of Non Governmental Organizations of Sri Lanka under Ministry of Defence of Sri Lanka and The NGO Council. The UNASL was admitted to the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA)As the national affiliated in 1951 the WFUNA has a member ship of the about 150 countries and its Headquarters is situated in Geneva, Switzerland & New York United States of America..
United Nations Association of Sri Lanka officials meet Foreign Secretary at the Foreign Ministry

A delegation of the United Nations Association of Sri Lanka (UNA-SRI LANKA) paid a courtesy call on the Foreign Secretary, Admiral Prof. Jayanath Colombage, at the Foreign Ministry on 17/11/2021.
They briefed the Foreign Secretary and other officials of the Foreign Ministry present, including M.R.K. Lenagala – Director General (UN & Human Rights) and Mr. Thushara Rodrigo – Chief of Protocol Division of the Foreign Ministry, on the Role of the UNA-SRI LANKA and its future representation on the Executive Committee of the World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA). Further, avenues for further enhancement of co-operation between the Government of Sri Lanka and the United Nations Association of Sri Lanka, were also discussed.
It was a very cordial meeting and the response from the Foreign Secretary was encouraging. Mementos were exchanged at the end of the meeting.
The UNA-SRI LANKA delegation included, President, Mohamed Zawahir, Executive Chairman Dr. M.M.M. Rushanudeen, Secretary-General, Errol Smith and Editor, Dharmadasa Vitharana.
Press Release 24th October , 2021 – Sunday Obsever National Paper of Sri Lanka To Mark National Observance of 76th UN Day and 71st Annversary of the UNA-SRI LANKA
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Media Release
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News Letters
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