National Executive Committee
National Executive Committee (Board of Directors) 2024/2025

Mr. M.M. Zawahir
MBA (Manipala), MABE (UK), Dip IR (BCIS)

Dr. M.M.M. Rushanudeen
HRH Prince, Dato Seri, Deshakeerthi, Ambassador, Justice of the Peace Whole Island (Sri Lanka)
Executive Chairman
(Chairperson of the Executive Committee)

Mr. Errol G. Smith
Secretary – General

Mr. N D Kumudu I Weerasinghe

Mr. Dharmadasa Vitharana
Editor & Asst.Treasurer

Mr. Sampath Priyankara
BIT (Colombo), MBA (London Met)
Deputy Executive Chairman

Mr. D.M Siriwardena
Deputy Executive Chairman

Mr. R. H. Asoka Perera
Vice Chairman

Dr. Sarath Samarage
Vice Chairman

Dr. T Anver Dole
Vice Chairman

Dr. K D Upali Jayawardane
Assistant Secretary General

Ms. Panchali Ratnayake
Assistant Secretary General

Dr. H Ravi Nagarajah
Assistant Secretary General

Mr. M. A. Rohan Fernando
Assistant Secretary General
Executive Members

Mr. K. D. Ajitha Jayarathne
Executive Committee Member

Mr. Arthula Kanagaratne
Executive Committee Member

Ms. D. R. K. Wijewardana
Executive Committee Member

Mr. Sanjeewa Peiris
Executive Committee Member

Mr. M. W. Wimal Fernando
Executive Committee Member

Mr. Kushan Fernando
Executive Committee Member
Honorary Members

Brigadier G.V. Elapata, Vsv

Ms. Shyama Wijekulasuriya

Dr. G.P.P. Silva

Ms. Chandani Vitharanage

Dr. M. Z. M. Nizar (JP)