Errol Smith elected Secretary General of the United Nations Association of Sri Lanka

Mr. Errol Smith was unanimously elected Secretary General of the United Nations Association in the Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka at its Annual General Meeting held on 27 th March, 2016 at the UNASL Secretariat in Panadura.
He has been a Life Member of the UNASL for 28 years (since January, 1988) and holds senior honourary positions in several non-governmental organizations. He is an active member of Lions Clubs International – District 306 A1, having joined Lionism in 1985 as a member of the Lions Club of Panadura and has had the unique opportunity of serving as Cabinet Treasurer and Cabinet Secretary which is the highest administrative position in a Lions District. He is presently serving as the District Governor’s Special Co-ordinator (Finance & Administration) in the current District Cabinet of District 306 A1 – Sri Lanka. He is a Melvin Jones Fellow (MJF).
He has also been actively involved with the St. John Ambulance, holding the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Director (Finance) etc., and is currently the District President of the St. John Ambulance – Kalutara District. Further, he holds the position of Hony. Treasurer of the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka. Presently he also serves as the Vice President of the Institute of Management of Sri Lanka and continues to serve as Chairperson of the National Management Conference for the third consecutive year. He is also the Assistant Secretary of the Sri Lanka – German Friendship Society and a Member of the Sri Lanka Indonesia Friendship Association among others. Having had his primary and secondary education at St. Joseph’s College, Colombo 14, he is a Fellow of the Institute of Management of Sri Lanka, Fellow of the Institute of Certified Professional Managers and Associate of the Association of International Accountants, UK.
Mr. Errol Smith serves on the Board of Directors of several companies and also provides management consultancy services.