UN Association of Sri Lanka Donates PPE to COVID 19 Ward

Another Donations of 50 Nos. Medical Isolation Shields (Anti Fog – Anti Splash Shields) was made to the COVID 19 Ward of the Panadura Base Hospital at a cost of Rs.75,000/=.
The donation was handed over to the Medical Superintendent Dr. Indrani Godakanda.
This was a joint donation by the Lions Club of Panadura and the United Nations Association of Sri Lanka.
Present on the occasion of the handing over were Mr. Errol Smith, Secretary General UNA SRI LANKA, who is also the President of the Lions Club of Panadura, Dr. Upali Jayawardana, Executive Committee Members and Mr. Nihal Weerawardena, Life Member of UNASL.
The hospital has appealed for more Disposable Surgical Face mask, Personal Protective kits, Face Shields, Goggles, etc., which are lacking thus making the Medical staff vulnerable.